Sample of 30 icons with friendly and fun details in outline, filled, and brand color styles. - Screenshot to code Icon - Screenshot to code

Product information


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Transform screenshots into a fully functional code, in seconds.

Primary Task

UI Component Generation


    UI Component GenerationReact.jsTailwindCSSCode Generation


  • Simplifies the process of creating UI components
  • Instant conversion of screenshots into reusable components
  • Customization options for components
  • Ability to export generated code for use in projects


  • May struggle with complex designs

Product Summary is a tool that allows users to transform any screenshot into fully functional, reusable React.js and TailwindCSS components with just a single click.

It simplifies the process of creating UI components by enabling users to capture a screenshot of the desired UI element, upload it, and receive ready-to-use components for their projects.

The tool offers instant conversion, customization options, and the ability to export the generated code for use in projects.

Users can save time on coding and focus on building robust applications.