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ChatGPT app for Mac | BoltAI Icon

ChatGPT app for Mac | BoltAI

Product information


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BoltAI is a native ChatGPT app for Mac. It allows you to integrate AI assistances into your daily tasks.

Primary Task

AI Assistance


    AI IntegrationMac UsersAI AssistanceCustom AI AssistantsPrivacy Protection


  • Seamless integration of AI into macOS apps
  • Support for various AI technologies
  • Wide range of use cases catered to
  • Respects user privacy by storing data locally
  • Customizable AI assistants for tailored AI behavior
  • Secure storage of sensitive data in Apple Keychain
  • Provides a prompt library for enhanced AI assistance
  • Offers a perpetual license with free updates for one year
  • Refund policy available within 30 days of purchase
  • No middle servers, prompts sent directly to OpenAI

Product Summary

BoltAI is a ChatGPT app designed specifically for Mac users, offering a seamless integration of AI into daily workflows.

The app supports various AI technologies such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure AI Service, OpenRouter, Mistral, Groq, and local LLMs.

Users can benefit from features like an intuitive Chat UI, powerful AI commands, and AI inline capabilities.

BoltAI caters to a wide range of users, including developers, content creators, students, and professionals, by providing high-quality AI assistance for tasks ranging from writing and coding to idea generation and content creation.