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Calorie Counter Icon

Calorie Counter

Product information


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Calorie Counting made easy with AI driven technology. Snap a photo of your meal and automatically get a calorie and protein analysis. Save it as a meal, it really is that simple.

Primary Task

Nutrition Tracking


    Nutrition TrackingMeal PlanningHealth and Fitness


  • Instantly turn photos into nutritional insights
  • AI-driven technology for accurate calorie and protein analysis
  • Personalized meal and exercise plans
  • Effortlessly track calorie intake and exercise achievements
  • Available for web with plans for mobile app release

Product Summary

CalorieCounter is a revolutionary tool that allows users to instantly turn photos of their meals into detailed nutritional insights.

With AI-driven technology, users can track their calorie intake, protein content, and make informed dietary choices on the go.

The tool offers features like Snap and Track, Snap and Cook, Tracking, and Visualize to help users stay on top of their health goals.

Additionally, CalorieCounter provides personalized meal and exercise plans based on users' fitness goals and preferences.