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Where your kids learn AI the fun way - Icon

Where your kids learn AI the fun way -

Product information


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Step-by-step online courses so your kid creates cool things and unleashes its creativity learning AI ✨

Primary Task

Educational and Learning


    AI Courses for KidsCreative ProjectsSkill Development


  • Offers AI courses for kids in a fun and engaging way
  • Encourages creativity and skill development through hands-on projects
  • Aims to shape the next generation of tech wizards


  • Limited age range for some projects

Product Summary is an online platform offering AI courses for kids in a fun and engaging way.

The website provides a range of projects and activities that allow children to learn AI concepts while building cool projects using the latest AI tools.

From creating movie trailers to turning themselves into anime characters, the platform encourages creativity and skill development through hands-on projects.

Additionally, aims to shape the next generation of tech wizards by preparing kids for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow's world.