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Casc - Access your company's knowledge and documentation in seconds Icon

Casc - Access your company's knowledge and documentation in seconds

Product information


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Elevate your team's efficiency with our AI-driven knowledge base. Seamlessly integrate with Slack to access company documents and data instantly.

Primary Task

Knowledge Management


    Knowledge Base ToolCollaboration ToolProductivity ToolDocument Management


  • Efficient access to company knowledge and documentation
  • Integration with popular sources like Google Drive and GitHub
  • Productivity features like CascScribe and PII scanning
  • Enhanced collaboration and communication through Slack integration
  • Security and compliance commitment


  • Potential learning curve for new users

Product Summary

Cascade is a knowledge base tool that allows users to access their company's knowledge and documentation quickly and efficiently.

The tool enables users to connect various sources such as Google Drive, Confluence, Notion, GitHub, and Gitlab to build a centralized knowledge base.

Users can add documents, invite team members, and ask questions through Slack, making information retrieval seamless.

Cascade also offers features like CascScribe for transcribing video calls, PII scanning for personally identifiable information, and easy setup for streamlined workflows.

The tool emphasizes boosting productivity, saving time, and enhancing collaboration across teams in different departments like Customer Support, Engineering, Product, Sales, and HR.