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DevI18n - Xml Translator Online Multi-Lingual Icon

DevI18n - Xml Translator Online Multi-Lingual

Product information


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Suitable for i18n fast translator. Supports json, xml, strings, arb, yaml and other files. Supports translation 26 different languages.

Primary Task



    Translation ToolSoftware DevelopmentLocalization


  • Fast and accurate translations for developers
  • Support for 26 different languages
  • Integration with development workflows
  • Customizable translation options
  • Efficiency in localization
  • Time and cost savings through automation

Product Summary

DevI18n is an online multi-lingual translator designed for developers, supporting fast and accurate translations of various file formats used in software development.

It allows users to upload files in formats such as JSON, XML, strings, ARB, or YAML, select source and target languages for translation, and generate translations quickly.

DevI18n offers key features like fast translation for developers, multi-lingual support for 26 languages, integration with development workflows, customizable translation options, efficiency in localization, and time and cost savings through automation.

The tool is efficient in streamlining the localization process and enabling teams to focus on core development tasks.