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Ghostly | Home Icon

Ghostly | Home

Product information


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Build a user-friendly chatbot for your website in minutes. No coding required. Simple creation, easy embedding.

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    Chatbot CreationAI ChatbotsCustomizationAPI IntegrationPricing Plans


  • Allows users to create personalized knowledge chatbots
  • Offers customization options for behavior and appearance
  • Provides pricing plans tailored for growth
  • Supports integration with OpenAI GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and GPT-4o


  • May require technical knowledge to set up and customize chatbots

Product Summary

Ghostly is a platform that enables users to create personalized knowledge chatbots using their own API keys.

Users can seamlessly integrate these chatbots into their websites and customize them to fit their specific needs.

Ghostly offers features such as setting up chatbots in minutes, training chatbots on custom data, customizing behavior and appearance, and embedding chatbots on websites.

The tool provides pricing plans tailored for growth, including a free plan and paid plans with varying features and capabilities.