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Hana: Your AI-Powered Google Chat Assistant Icon

Hana: Your AI-Powered Google Chat Assistant

Product information


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Created by Hanabi technology

Primary Task

Productivity & Collaboration


    AI Chat AssistantProductivity EnhancementTeam CollaborationDocument AnalysisImage Intelligence


  • Offers advanced AI capabilities for productivity and collaboration
  • Seamless integration with Google Chat and Google ecosystem
  • Provides personalized control dashboard for convenience


  • Limited internet browsing capability (planned for future release)

Product Summary

Hana is an AI-powered Google Chat Assistant designed to enhance management efficiency and productivity for managers and executives.

It seamlessly integrates into Google Chat, offering features like step-by-step guidance, team member mentions, expert advice, and various AI-powered actions.

Hana simplifies complex tasks, clarifies concepts, and provides image intelligence for efficient problem-solving.

It also offers persistent memory, document analysis, reminders, and personalized control dashboard.