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Index Rusher - Index Pages and get Indexed by Google ASAP. Icon

Index Rusher - Index Pages and get Indexed by Google ASAP.

Product information


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A tool that helps to get a website indexed by Google in hours. Google searchability & SEO tool to grow google search ranking and site rank.

Primary Task

SEO indexing


    SEO Indexing ToolWebsite IndexingGoogle Search Console Automation


  • Helps websites get indexed by Google quickly
  • Provides automation for submitting URLs to Google Search Console
  • Offers different pricing plans including a lifetime deal
  • Provides insights and tips on SEO indexing
  • Includes features like alerts for 404 pages and daily reports

Product Summary

Index Rusher is a tool designed to help websites get indexed by Google quickly.

It offers features to improve Google searchability and SEO ranking.

The tool provides services such as automating the submission of website URLs to Google's Search Console, daily monitoring of indexed pages, alerts for 404 pages, and reports on indexed pages.

Index Rusher also offers different pricing plans, including a lifetime deal with various features like autopilot submission, domain and URL limits, and early adopter discounts.

Additionally, the tool provides a FAQ section on website indexing, tips on improving SEO indexing, and information on common indexing issues and solutions.