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LinkedCRM AI - The Sales GPT on LinkedIn Icon

LinkedCRM AI - The Sales GPT on LinkedIn

Product information


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Chrome extension, LinkedIn insights and AI-powered workflows, unlimited gpt4o capabilities, enrich emails, and enables instant sync with Salesforce.

Primary Task

Sales Tool


    Sales ToolLinkedIn AutomationLead Generation


  • AI-powered tool for sales professionals
  • Enhances productivity and efficiency in sales tasks
  • Provides AI-driven insights and automation
  • Offers security measures for data protection
  • Streamlines customer relationship management on LinkedIn

Product Summary

LinkedCRM AI is a Google Chrome extension designed for sales professionals as a sales-focused GPT tool.

It assists in generating leads lists, syncing LinkedIn information to CRMs, and enhancing customer relationship management.

The tool provides AI-driven insights, automation, and security measures to streamline sales efforts on LinkedIn.

It also offers functionality for precision email search and diverse features for improving efficiency in sales tasks.