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Nexai Icon


Product information


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Primary Task

Live Support


    Live SupportAI Live AssistantsAI Semantic SearchKnowledgebaseCustom UIScalable Pricing


  • Offers AI Live Assistants and AI Semantic Search
  • Provides an easy-to-use dashboard for support teams
  • Customizable UI components available
  • Scalable pricing plans for different needs
  • AI Knowledgebase feature for linking documents to predicted questions and answers

Product Summary

Nexai is a Human-AI platform designed for live support, offering AI Live Assistants, AI Semantic Search, and the ability to create a knowledgebase from website content and documents.

The platform enhances customer support with automated AI support while still allowing human assistance when needed.

It provides an easy-to-use dashboard for support teams to manage visitor queries and resolutions.

Nexai also offers customizable UI components built upon the Nexai React UI Library and ShadCN UI, allowing users to build their custom UI.