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Party wall agreements - Our Party Wall Icon

Party wall agreements - Our Party Wall

Product information


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Produce required documents and handle your own party wall agreement. Save up to £1000, get started for free today

Primary Task

Handling Party Wall Agreements


    DIY Party Wall AgreementsCost-saving toolAI Chat Support


  • Enables users to handle party wall agreements without a surveyor, saving time and money
  • Provides tools to generate required documents and facilitate communication with neighbors
  • Offers AI-powered chat support for answering questions about party wall agreements

Product Summary

Our Party Wall is a platform that helps individuals handle their own party wall agreements without the need for a party wall surveyor.

It provides tools to create party wall agreements, generate required documents, and facilitate communication with neighbors.

The platform emphasizes cost-saving and efficiency by enabling users to complete the process in just 15 minutes from the comfort of their homes.

Additionally, Our Party Wall offers AI-powered chat support to address any queries related to party wall agreements.