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Prime Intellect - Commoditizing Compute & Intelligence Icon

Prime Intellect - Commoditizing Compute & Intelligence

Product information


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Prime Intellect democratizes AI development at scale. Our platform makes it easy to find global compute resources and train state-of-the-art models through distributed training across clusters. Collectively own the resulting open AI innovations, from language models to scientific breakthroughs.

Primary Task

AI development and training


    AI Development PlatformDecentralized TrainingCo-owned AI Models


  • Provides global compute resources for AI development
  • Enables distributed training across clusters
  • Allows comparing GPU prices and availability across different clouds
  • Facilitates deploying docker images and managing GPUs across multiple clouds
  • Focuses on decentralized training and advancing novel research

Product Summary

Prime Intellect is a platform that democratizes AI development at scale.

It provides global compute resources and enables training state-of-the-art models through distributed training across clusters.

Users can collectively own resulting open AI innovations, from language models to scientific breakthroughs.

The platform also offers Prime Compute, a cloud service that aggregates all clouds for developing, training, and scaling AI models efficiently.

It allows comparing GPU prices and availability across different clouds, deploying docker images, and managing GPUs across multiple clouds in a single platform.

Prime Intellect focuses on decentralized training, advancing novel research in this area, and collectively advancing the frontier of co-owned AI models, including large language models, agent models, and scientific models.