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RecurseChat Icon


Product information


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RecurseChat, an personal AI app that lets you talk with local AI

Primary Task



    AI Chat ToolLocal AI ModelOffline Chat


  • Local first and offline capable
  • Customizable appearance and AI character
  • Blazingly fast full-text search
  • Secure and private with macOS App Sandbox
  • No subscription required


  • Limited to macOS users

Product Summary

RecurseChat is a personal AI chat tool that allows users to chat with AI locally on their laptops, offline and privately.

It offers features like chatting with PDF and markdown files offline, full-text search, importing ChatGPT history, and customizable AI personalities.

Users can chat with multiple AI models in one session and even chat with images using the LLaVA model.

The tool emphasizes simplicity and ease of use, with no complicated setup required.