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StoryLang - Learn language by generating story Icon

StoryLang - Learn language by generating story

Product information


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Improve your language learning by reading and listening to stories. Generate stories according to your preferences and start learning

Primary Task

Language learning through story generation


    Language Learning ToolStory GenerationOpenAI APIListening PracticePricing Tiers


  • Helps improve language learning through storytelling
  • Customizable story generation based on user preferences
  • Offers audio versions for listening practice
  • Utilizes OpenAI API for story generation
  • Different pricing tiers to suit user needs
  • No subscription required, pay only for credits used


  • Does not offer refunds for credits spent

Product Summary

StoryLang is a language learning tool that helps users improve their language skills by generating stories in the language they are learning.

Users can practice listening skills, learn new words and expressions, and customize story elements such as language, categories, and style.

The tool utilizes the OpenAI API to generate stories and provides audio versions for listening practice.

StoryLang offers different pricing tiers with credits for generating stories and accessing additional features like audio transcription and translations.