Sample of 30 icons with friendly and fun details in outline, filled, and brand color styles.
V5 Fashion and Styling Personalization powered by AI Icon

V5 Fashion and Styling Personalization powered by AI

Product information



AI powered search, recommendation, and personalization for the fashion and design industry. Recommend fashion deals, discounts, products, and more with AI.

Primary Task

Fashion and Styling Personalization


    Fashion PersonalizationAI-powered Fashion RecommendationsVisual SearchFashion AI Solutions


  • Highly customizable based on specific fashion data for more specific results
  • Easy integration with API for AI readiness
  • Highly scalable and capable of handling large data queries
  • Fast product scanning and recommendation speeds
  • Empowers fashion companies with personalized AI solutions
  • Specializes in versatility and a personal touch compared to Amazon or Google
  • Founder's love for avocados reflected in the company's logo
  • Founded by Nelson Gonzabato
  • No mention of cons in the provided HTML document

Product Summary

V5 is a fashion and styling personalization platform powered by AI.

The platform offers features such as Shop the Look, Complete the Look, and Shop the Sale, all utilizing visual search and recommendation technology.

Users can search for exact products using photos, receive recommendations for visually similar products, and discover items that are currently on sale and visually similar to their past search items.

V5 aims to simplify fashion and styling decisions by providing personalized recommendations based on individual preferences and browsing history.