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Product information


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Primary Task

Market sentiment analysis for cryptocurrencies


    Cryptocurrency Sentiment AnalysisMarket Emotions AnalysisReal-time Content Aggregator


  • Provides real-time sentiment analysis for cryptocurrencies
  • Collects data from over 110 different sources
  • Helps users make informed decisions based on market sentiments
  • Offers free trial period for users to experience the tool


  • Limited payment options (only credit cards accepted)

Product Summary

VoiceLark is a real-time crypto content aggregator that utilizes advanced AI-based sentiment analysis to offer a deeper understanding of market emotions.

It provides summaries and article analyses to help users comprehend prevailing sentiments in the market.

The tool collects and analyzes data from over 110 different sources on the web, creating summaries and assigning sentiment ratings (positive, negative, or neutral) to the text.

VoiceLark enables users to stay up-to-date with market sentiments and make informed decisions based on sentiment analysis.

It allows investors and traders to assess market emotions that may impact price movements, aiding in better decision-making processes.